Are All Races Racist? Is America More Racially Accommodating?


Image: Pixabay

(This article was also published on Steemit)

I think racism is not necessarily higher in any race, but it’s relative to the geography. For example, white people would face more discrimination in India because the majority of people in India are of Indian descent.

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Your Content Is Like Your Child… Let It Shine on Its Own!

Progress Over Perfection

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As creatives, we tend to treat our work like our child. We nurture it the best we can and hope that it does well. But sometimes, we nurture it excessively and don’t let it shine on its own. We fear that the effort we put in may not be enough and our child may not be at its best. So we keep trying to make it better.

Does this sound like something you do? Well, I can totally relate. I experience that a lot of times. In fact, I’ve been going through that a lot recently, which is why I haven’t been posting as frequently as I used to.

So I thought I’d just whip open the editor and start hitting the keys till I produced another successful child for you guys. But before I was able to do that, I faced crippling thoughts about how the time needed to be right and my article needed to be great, etc. And that stopped me from even getting started.

But even once you begin, you’re faced with the Procrastination Monster that holds you back from completing your projects. And this big fella is controlled by a persistent tamer called Your Inner Critic. You know, that voice that critiques you about every little thing and settles for nothing less than perfection.

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