3 Ways to Boost Your Confidence (Podcast)

Learn how to have more confidence so you can take on life more fearlessly, successfully and happily.

Here’s the affirmations recording mentioned. It will boost your energy, positivity, and success. Listen first thing in the morning for best effect.

Morning Affirmations for Energy & Positivity 

Morning Affirmations Poster

Follow me for more self-development and educational content!

Best wishes,

Toshiro Cotta from ReVitellect

How to Stop Dreaming (And Start Achieving!)

It’s easy to get caught in the trap of dreaming too much. Dreaming is good. It helps you visualise what you want. But dreams alone won’t lead you to success. In fact, they’ll steal it from you!

So in this video, we’re gonna use the help of Philosophy and some of my own rationalisation to help you overcome this bad habit!

Follow me for more self-development and educational content!

Best wishes,

Toshiro Cotta from ReVitellect

How to Make Friends and Be an Influencer!


Have trouble socialising? Want to be more influential and liked by others? Well, now you can!

You might think that being sociable and likeable is just an inborn thing. Oh, you know, only extroverts know all of that stuff…

Well, you’re wrong!

Socialising and getting people to like you is as much a skill as any!

Sure, some people may be more gifted. Some get the hang of it sooner…

But that doesn’t mean you can’t pick it up yourself!

So stick with me and I’ll teach you the basic principles for making friends and being an influencer liked by all!

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5 Reasons You Need to Start Creating Today!

Create Today!

Have you ever had a cool idea but were too afraid to express it? Maybe it would be called stupid. Maybe nobody would relate to it or like it?

These fears are normal, of course, and can sometimes come true. But regardless, I think that if you have an idea, you need to express it! (Whether personally or to the public)

Here’s 5 reasons why expressing yourself and being creative are very important: Continue reading

Your Content Is Like Your Child… Let It Shine on Its Own!

Progress Over Perfection

Image Source

As creatives, we tend to treat our work like our child. We nurture it the best we can and hope that it does well. But sometimes, we nurture it excessively and don’t let it shine on its own. We fear that the effort we put in may not be enough and our child may not be at its best. So we keep trying to make it better.

Does this sound like something you do? Well, I can totally relate. I experience that a lot of times. In fact, I’ve been going through that a lot recently, which is why I haven’t been posting as frequently as I used to.

So I thought I’d just whip open the editor and start hitting the keys till I produced another successful child for you guys. But before I was able to do that, I faced crippling thoughts about how the time needed to be right and my article needed to be great, etc. And that stopped me from even getting started.

But even once you begin, you’re faced with the Procrastination Monster that holds you back from completing your projects. And this big fella is controlled by a persistent tamer called Your Inner Critic. You know, that voice that critiques you about every little thing and settles for nothing less than perfection.

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Let Death Inspire You

Steve Jobs

“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.

Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. 

Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.”

– Steve Jobs

I came across this quote in a video talking about self-transformation. I’ve been a bit inactive on the blog because I’ve been trying to figure stuff out.

In the process, I found myself wondering about how I can develop myself further and this quote gave me an interesting perspective.

Fears and pride hold us back from pursuing our truest potential. But if we take a step back and look at the nature of life, we’ll realise how transient it really is.

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How Social Media is Lying to You (Video)

Does social media make you feel insecure? Do you get depressed looking at all the fun your friends are having and all the achievements they’re getting?

Well in this video, I talk to you about the illusion of social media and why you shouldn’t let it hurt your self esteem.

If you liked this video, be sure to Subscribe to ReVitellect on Youtube!

Here’s a related video you might find helpful:
How to Deal with Discouragement | Self-Help

Keep believing, find solutions, and get success!